Diagnostic effectiveness of coproovoscopy methods for chicken eimeriosis





parasitology, eimeriosis, chickens, flotation methods, coproovoscopy, efficiency


Poultry farming is an important branch of animal husbandry, which makes it possible to obtain a large amount of valuable food products: eggs and meat in a short period of time. In the conditions of poultry farming, especially important importance is attached to the maintenance of veterinary well-being, including from parasitic diseases that negatively affect the health and productivity of poultry. One of the common and dangerous pathogens of invasions is the simplest organisms of the genus Eimeria. A significant number of traditional methods of coproovoscopy, which have different diagnostic effectiveness, have been proposed to detect eimeries. The aim of the research was to establish the effectiveness of modern coproovoscopic flotation methods in the diagnosis of eimeriosis in chickens. In the conditions of the Laboratory of Parasitology of the Poltava State Agrarian University, a comparison was made of the methods of Fiulleborn (using sodium chloride), Kotelnykov-Khrenov (using ammonium nitrate), Mallory (using sugar), Melnychuk (using urea), Natiahla (using sugar and sodium) chloride). The conducted studies established that the Natiahlaʼs method was the most effective for eimeriosis in chickens with exposure of copro samples for 15 minutes, where the number of positive samples reached 100 %, and the average intensity of invasion was 419.54 oocyst in 1 g of feces. A lower diagnostic efficiency was established when using the Kotelnikov-Khrenovʼs, Malloryʼs, Melnychukʼs, and Fiulleborn ʼs methods, where, depending on exposure (5–15 min), 60–88.57 %, 42.86–85.71 %, 60–82.86 % were found, respectively and 45.71–80 % of positive samples. The average indicators of the intensity of eimeria invasion were also lower by 9.26–78.10 % and amounted to 313.55 oocyst/g using the method of Kotelnikov-Khrenov, Mallory – 208.67 oocyst/g, Melnychuk – 380.69 oocyst/g and Fiulleborn – 235.57 oocyst/g. The obtained results will make it possible to recommend the most effective coproovoscopic method of flotation using a combined solution of sugar and sodium chloride for the diagnosis of eimeriosis in chickens with the aim of increasing the accuracy of detecting the pathogens of invasion.



How to Cite

Hodyna, V. (2024). Diagnostic effectiveness of coproovoscopy methods for chicken eimeriosis. Scientific Progress & Innovations, 27(2), 84–89. https://doi.org/10.31210/spi2024.27.02.14